
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2436

Shortened 40m Rotary Dipole Antenna, Aging Trends in Ham Radio Contesting: A Demographic Review, DIY 4:1 Current Balun with FT240-31, HB9CV On-Line Antenna Calculator , Electronic Component Distribution, The PAPA System, Charly Tango International DX-Group - Blog, Northland Antique Radio Club

Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2437

Constructing a Lindenblad Antenna for Receiving Weather Satellite Signals, Buying an HF High Power Amplifier, NDBs Received Worldwide, Station QRP Handcrafted tube transmitters, Obtaining a Copy of Your FCC License, PRFCalc, Central Kansas Armature Radio Club,

Amateur Radio Clubs

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Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2438

Affordable DIY AZ/EL Antenna Rotator: A Practical Guide, Ground Wave Propagation, Enhancements in UV-K5 HF Fullband Reception, Gnuradio Miniature Projects, Beam Controller Project, How to Renew Your US Ham Radio License, Beacons Remote Control, BlueMax49ers, Papa whiskey club

ICOM Responds to Reports of Exploding Radios in Lebanon

Icom addressed reports of its V-82 radios being involved in Lebanon explosions, suggesting counterfeit or discontinued models with modified batteries. The company emphasized strict distribution controls and Japanese manufacturing standards.
